Day 6, Huánuco → Junin

Back to the high mountains

After the unplanned rest in Huanuco, it is off for the alternative plan. Which is retracing my route back. It is split in two, First stage to Junin in 4100 m.

Get off at around 6:30, as usual 25-30 min later than planned.

Getting out of the city was somewhat more intense than expected. Lots of traffic and it took about 45 min before one could start to relax.

I had spent the night cleaning the bike as usual. It had been raining over night and the streets were wet, so within a few minutes the bike was dirty again. Combined with the frequent small gravel sections it did not make it easier, nor faster and the dirt on the bike kept piling up. However I was still amazed at how well the chain wax worked in those conditions.

The plan was to ride up to Cerro de Pasco in around 4500 m. Starting in ca 1850 m, it should be a fairly standard ride. Again taking into consideration the climb was 40 km. Only issue was the altitude. The first halfway up (more or less) was done on the big chainring, and only the last 40 km or so was done in the small. Not so much due to the gradient, more he altitude and the less than optimal legs.

The legs felt better than the day before, but not great. Still no complaint and somewhat surprised how well the body keeps up with the demand.

I was not too stressed about the time schedule and hence took more breaks on the way up than I otherwise would have done.

As said, the legs were not in top shape and combined with the altitude I started to suffer and the last 1-2 hrs were not that great.

The top came after 113 km and 7:18 hr:min of riding. From here it was mostly flat over the high plains (same way I came a week earlier). The weather was not great. Grey and raining and the clouds very low. It was also quite windy (note to self: does the altitude impact the impact of headwind? Hour record attempts are often done at altitude due to lower air density. Does that also affect headwind, such that headwind at altitude is not as hard? )

Once on the plains the speed was ok, the legs as well, but by saddle choice and sore butt kept meant I could not pedal as efficiently as I would have liked to, and the last 5-10 km was not at all fun. Anyway made it to Junin and the hotel after 10:13 hr:min ridding (9 hrs moving time).

The hotel was as good as it gets for the price 30 PEN ~ 8 €. The village was typical for the high mountains, and so I was surprised to find a modern café on the main square – they had all the types of modern coffee varieties one find in Starbucks and the like. He also served sandwiches etc – I had almost everything on the menu, but was till hungry and went for a 1/4 pollo a la brassa as well.

Going back to the café, it was fun to watch how the locals, with the traditional clothing of the high mountains came in and tried the “modern” coffee that was served.

On the way back to the hotel, the rain had increased in intensity and temperature dropped.

Looking great for the next day 🫤.

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One response to “Day 6, Huánuco → Junin”

  1. Cool description.

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