Category: Ride report

  • Day 3, Huánuco → Pucallpa

    Welcome to the jungle Having had to cut the day before short, I looked at a 15 hr day in the saddle. Got away around 5:25, getting out of the city and descending a bit before the days first climb. I had not managed to get proper supplies the day before so breakfast was…

  • Day 2, La Oroya → Huánuco

    The high plains After a crappy night’s sleep – not sure if because of the altitude or the trucks breaking for a speed bump just outside, anyway. I woke early, got ready – none of my clothes had dried though. And got on the way at 6:10. on paper this should be a relatively…

  • Day 1, Lima → La Oroya So off for a good start, by taking a wrong exit at the first roundabout and had to return. Getting things right, I headed out of Lima on the Carretera Central. The alarm was set and I was ready to get going. The problem, the alarm was set for weekdays, so I got up…